Care Services for You

Our Services

Mental Health care

Community mental health care includes provision of crisis support, protected housing, and sheltered employment in addition to management of disorders to address the multiple needs of individuals.

Community-based services can lead to early intervention and limit the stigma of treatment. They can improve functional outcomes and quality of life of individuals with chronic mental disorders, and are cost-effective and respectful of human rights.

Providing healthy foods

Providing nutrition and dietary counselling as primary health-care facilities, It’s about providing wellness and nourishment.

We know 5 food groups:

Vegetables and legumes or beans.
Lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds, legumes or beans.
Grain (cereal) foods, mostly wholegrain or high cereal fibre varieties.
Milk, yoghurt, cheese or alternatives, mostly reduced fat.

Patients to Doctors Connection

A doctor–patient relationship is formed when a doctor attends to a patient’s medical needs and is usually through consent. This relationship is built on trust, respect, communication, and a common understanding of both the doctor and patients’ sides.

Patient follow up care

Followup is the act of making contact with a patient or caregiver at a later, specified date to check on the patient’s progress since his or her last appointment. Appropriate followup can help you to identify misunderstandings and answer questions, or make further assessments and adjust treatments.

Memory Living Care

Dementia is a collection of symptoms which range from memory loss to impaired communication – it is caused by a number of specific conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Vascular dementia.

Although dementia mainly affects older people, it is not an inevitable consequence of ageing.

Living Long Term Care

Long-term care involves a variety of services designed to meet a person’s health or personal care needs during a short or long period of time. These services help people live as independently and safely as possible when they can no longer perform everyday activities on their own.

What The Media Has To Say On Us.

Our Founder in The Media

Our Services are in different departments:

Human Resource Department,
Finance Department,
Wellbeing and Fitness Department,
Nursing Department